The judge; who took about 3 minutes to deliver oral judgement in the packed courtroom:
"The court could not with 100% certainty exclude the possibility that the integrity of the DNA samples collected from Mohd Saiful had been compromised"
"It was not safe for the court to rely only on DNA evidence in coming to the decision and there was no evidence to corroborate with Mohd Saiful's testimony".
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI):
"Thank God. Alhamdulillah. I feel vindicated. Justice is done.."
Datuk Mohamed Yusof Zainal Abiden; Solicitor-General II:
"We have 14 days to file our noticeof appeal".
Former Prime Minister; Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad:
"No conspiracy".
Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan:
"I accept decision.. As a servant of Allah, I believe there is a blessing in disguise in everything".
Datuk Seri Rais Yatim; Information, Communications & Culture Minister:
"The judgement has been made and with this it is proven that the country's judiciary is reputable and its judgement are on par with those made in the developed countries, which are based on the rule of law'.
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melaporkan dari tepi Tingkat 33, KPKT Putrajaya bersama Ms Ng |
*Justice served..
*Independence of judiciary proven.
credited: The Sun, 10.1.2012
*Biar kita tersalah ampun, jangan tersalah hukum..",
Ramlee Awang Murshid.
Alhamdulillah.. Patut lama dah settle benda tu.. Nway, tak gayat ker kat tempat tinggi tu.?
ALhamdulillah.....moga kita ditunjukkan kebenaran yang sebenarnya
Tunggu je la nanti siapa yang betul... kat sana dah tak boleh nak bohong2 dah...
makcik suka ayat abang RAM..alamak tetibe rs lame gile x baca novel RAM neh..yg latest tu x bli lg taw..tsk..
dh baca x FIKSYEN 302 tu?nmpk cam best tu..sume karya beliau best pun kan
bukan senang nak buat keputusan..
*i ok je. nak turun Bkt Broga lagi gayat sebab licin.. ;)
atok SA,
mungkin mengambil masa lagi..
di sana memang FINAL + muktamad, tanpa 14 hari rayuan..
i prefer Laksamana Sunan.
Fiksyen 302 ni mesti crime story-Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan hukuman gantung, kan??
Allah Maha Mengetahui~
tak cmpur tak cmpur.
Siapa DSAI,
tak tahu dan tak pernah nak ambik tahu...
wahhhh... apa bikin tingkat 33.. main cak2 ka? hik3..
Baguslah kalau semua dah selesai..
tingginya bergambar
tak gayat ke?
Haaa...dh ok blog ni..
Tadi pagi nk bukak kata encik blogspot blog ni dah terdelete...
Erk..lupe nk komen..
Hanya ALLAH yang maha mengetahui
ape yg berlaku antara tertuduh dan penuduh..Kita jaga 'akaun' masing2 sudah..
Tidak merasa gayat berada di tempat tinggi?
Semut S,
tidak masuk campur, tolak, kali, bahagi... :-)
Nur M,
saje lepak di dalam bilik officer.. (>.<)
bro tehr,
rasa biasa je sebab di dalam bilik pegawai. :)
cik Shinju,
syukur semuanya dah selamat.
*memang 'wordless' dibuatnya, tetiba je hilang. huhu!
Cik Shinju lagi,
orang luar sekadar memerhati..
dalam bangunan tertutup, rasa selamat je..
mana mana la.. yang penting keadilan telah ditunjukkan.. dunia lain, akhirat lain pulak kan..:D
diakui.. :-)
jangan terjun!
Uncle G,
posing je laaa... (^.^)
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