melawat anak rusa nani di Lake Garden |
Anda bersenam ke dalam bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini?
Bulan tak Ramadan pon aku malas. cisssss!!
I would like to share you tips on exercises. Sharing is caring. enjoy!
* Please read Part 1 also: here
Wall Sit:
Wall sits may make sweat drip and your knees shake, but they are an isometric exercise, which means you hold the position, instead of moving the joint and working through a range of motion. What’s wrong with that? Nothing, except that you only become stronger in that position - and how often do you need to hold a 90 degree angle in your knees in real life?
Work your muscles through their full range of motion to gain even strength and muscle tone. Regular squats are the answer to this one - so stick with the classic exercise to give your glutes a boost.
Bench Press:
While benching is great for muscle-bound hard bodies interested in building huge pecs (not that there’s anything wrong with that), for the average exerciser, it’s not the most functional exercise- and the same results can be achieved while working other muscles at the same time, in a way that will benefit your everyday activities.
Push ups work the chest just as well as the bench press, while also working the triceps and the core in a way you need to use those muscles in real life. If push ups aren’t hardcore enough for you, place a medicine ball under one hand while doing them, or pop your feet up on a bench for decline push ups.
Again, there are no pointless exercises, but the above exercises can be easily replaced with more effective ones and who doesn’t want more results in less time?
Do you agree? (^.^)
* Tiada alih bahasa bagi menjamin kefahaman tidak terjejas!!
bukan bulan ramadhan pun papa mifz lamo wor x bersenam...huhu
Takder alih bahasa ker? Tak faham nie *sambil buat muka berkerut membaca*
hehehe... malas mahu bersenam la... sebab rasanya kalori yg ditelan pon x banyak....
alaaa, alih la bahasa....
rajin nya bersenam...
x bersenam sebelom,masa n lepas bln puasa..hohoho.. :P
selamat berpuasa...
tetap bersenam..
swimming pun satu senaman jugak kan..
Heheh, kalau bersenam di bulan puasa lak akak?
exercise pusing-pusing di bazar ramadhan.
bulan puasa ni naik tingkat 4 pun jadi satu dugaan..haha
bahasa german ade tak?
kalau bulan puasa ni yang boboy ni pergi beli kat bazar dan yang gugurl ni memasak..tu pun kire senaman :)
yes, i'm agree. Great tips! Hihi..
Papa M,
hhmmmm... camne ni papa M? (same lo!) hoho!
alaaa... semua kan pakar English. uhukss! (",)
hhhmmmm... tak mo fikir macam itu, tahu! for your own benefit maaaa...
atok SA,
aik?! atok kan ado Aunt Memey..
ish! tulus sungguh pengakuanmu itu.. :-)
berenang-Rasullullah pon galakkan.
*Jangan berenang pada siang Ramadan yek! AWAS!!
ish! ada entry bersenam bulan puasa tau. terbitan 2010 iaitu tahun lepas.. :)
yaaa.. jalan2 pon satu senaman murah yg sangat < risikonya.. :-)
baru 4 maaaa.. haha!
'i sound stupid when speak German' le bro.. huhu!
cop! cop! semua jantina p bazar tu le.. mengimarahkan suasana. (*.*)
great tips from! (>.<)
aarrr errmm...nanti pikir dulu.
??! hehe! :-)
Off topic sedikit. Saya ada 1 set lengkap buku cerita rusa Nani
ooo?? (muka kagum!)
memang Nani bela anak rusa atau nama anak rusa itu Nani?? :-)
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