Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TiPS to deal with Difficult People..

patut ke meludah merata-rata?

biarkan je dia terjun tanpa labunya..
(nmpk tak boy at the back tu
tengah manjat gate?)

takkan nak buat x tau je, nanti pending..

just say babai to that person..

because life must go on no matter what!

* Women's Weekly-June 2010*

 We should develop 3 key skills to deal with this type of people:-

1) Verbal Skills  - Always defend your view in convincing manner.
                        Keep your remarks unemotional encourages them
                         to respond positively.

2) Negotiation - Learn how to compromise but always keep
                       the end result in sight. There is no point in winning
                       small battles if u lose the war.

3) Humour - Useful when defusing a heated situation.
                   'People cannot laugh & be angry in the same time'
                    Just recall' an amusing incident can lower the tension:)

Faham kan? So marilah amalkan ramai-ramai ye.
# Special credit also to Mr K - online talking dictionary!


ct said...

mane gmbr kat hotel??

blog-tips-kurus said...

cik ct,
nak hotel yg mane 1; SC ke A?hehe..

Jumir said...

Cik CT..gambo otel n lain2...I tgh upload. Nanti ye.

blog-tips-kurus said...

cik Jumir,
i'm waiting..:)


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